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This year’s flu season is already the most widespread on record!
Flu cases typically start to increase in October, peaking in and February and decreasing in March and April. However, flu season started early this year and with the exception of Hawaii, the entire country is experiencing widespread and intense flu activity.Here are 7 ways to avoid the flu this year…

IS IT TOO LATE TO GET THE FLU SHOT? Definitely not. And if you decide to get one, do it sooner rather than later. It takes up to two weeks to produce a full immune response. The vaccine can reduce illness and prevent flu-related hospitalizations. The young, elderly, pregnant and chronically ill are most at risk for the flu and are recommended to be vaccinated. Even getting the flu shot cannot guarantee you avoid the flu but it can reduce the severity of it.#2 WATCH FOR SYMPTOMS IN CHILDREN AND THE ELDERLY
Watch if your kids or parents aren’t drinking, are really lethargic, have pain in a specific place in their chest or are having difficulty breathing after normal activity, such as going upstairs. Also, if they are getting better and suddenly get worse, bring them in to the hospital right away, because this could be a sign of a secondary bacterial infection. The sooner you bring them to the hospital for treatment, the better.
The single most important thing to do to avoid the flu is prevent the spread of germs. Wash your hands frequently, soap up between your fingers and don’t forget your thumbs, and scrub for about 20 seconds.
If anyone gets sick, separate their toothbrush from everyone else’s. Replace that toothbrush once they’re better.
Launder bedding frequently in hot water and bath towels every day or two. It even helps to wash just the pillowcases every few days.#6 KEEP YOUR HUMIDIFIER CLEAN
Be sure your humidifier is clean. Humidifiers will help soothe nasal passages and sinuses, especially if there is chest congestion and coughing. Frequently humidifiers are used when families are sick so be sure to empty it once a day and wipe it dry. Clean it thoroughly once a week to avoid germs breeding and spraying throughout the room.